Quick Start

On this page, I will introduce how to quickly get started with spring-rs

Prepare the environment

  • rust ≥ 1.75

Add dependencies

Add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml file

# Spring provides the core plugin system and useful Procedural Macros
spring = "0.1.1"
# If you are going to write a web application, add spring-web
spring-web = "0.1.1"
# If the application needs to interact with the database, add spring-sqlx
spring-sqlx = { version="0.1.1", features = ["mysql"] }
# The spring-rs project uses the tokio asynchronous runtime by default
tokio = "1"

Write code

use anyhow::Context;
use spring::{auto_config, App};
use spring_sqlx::{
    sqlx::{self, Row},
    ConnectPool, SqlxPlugin,
use spring_web::{
    extractor::{Component, Path},
    WebConfigurator, WebPlugin,
use spring_web::{get, route};

// Main function entry
#[auto_config(WebConfigurator)] // auto config web router
async fn main() {
        .add_plugin(SqlxPlugin) // Add plug-in

// The get macro specifies the Http Method and request path.
// spring-rs also provides other standard http method macros such as post, delete, patch, etc.
async fn hello_world() -> impl IntoResponse {
    "hello world"

// You can also use the route macro to specify the Http Method and request path.
// Path extracts parameters from the HTTP request path
#[route("/hello/:name", method = "GET", method = "POST")]
async fn hello(Path(name): Path<String>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    format!("hello {name}")

// Component can extract the connection pool registered by the SqlxPlugin in AppState
async fn sqlx_request_handler(Component(pool): Component<ConnectPool>) -> Result<String> {
    let version = sqlx::query("select version() as version")
        .context("sqlx query failed")?

Configure the application

Create a config directory in the root path of the project, where the spring-rs configuration files will be stored.

You can first create an app.toml file in this directory with the following content:

port = 8000 # Configure the web service port. If not configured, the default port is 8080

[sqlx] # Configure the database connection information of sqlx
uri = "mysql://user:password@"

spring-rs supports multiple environment configurations: dev (development), test (testing), and prod (production), corresponding to the three configuration files app-dev.toml, app-dev.toml, and app-prod.toml. The configuration in the environment configuration file will override the configuration items of the app.toml main configuration file.

spring-rs will activate the configuration file of the corresponding environment according to the SPRING_ENV environment variable.


Coding is complete, please make sure your database can be connected normally, then let's start running.

cargo run