spring-job Plugin

spring-job is based on tokio-cron-scheduler

crates.io Documentation


spring-job = { version = "0.1.1" }

API interface

App implements the JobConfigurator feature, which can be used to configure the scheduling task:

2async fn main() {
3 App::new()
4 .add_plugin(JobPlugin)
5 .add_plugin(SqlxPlugin)
6 .add_jobs(jobs())
7 .run()
8 .await
11fn jobs() -> Jobs {
12 Jobs::new().typed_job(cron_job)
15#[cron("1/10 * * * * *")]
16async fn cron_job() {
17 println!("cron scheduled: {:?}", SystemTime::now())

You can also use the auto_config macro to implement automatic configuration. This process macro will automatically register the scheduled tasks marked by the Procedural Macro into the app:

 async fn main() {
-   .add_jobs(jobs())

Extract the Component registered by the plugin

The SqlxPlugin plugin above automatically registers a Sqlx connection pool component for us. We can use Component to extract this connection pool from App. It should be noted that although the implementation principles of spring-job's Component and spring-web's Component are similar, these two extractors belong to different crates.

use spring_sqlx::{
    sqlx::{self, Row}, ConnectPool
use spring_job::cron;
use spring_job::extractor::Component;

#[cron("1/10 * * * * *")]
async fn cron_job(Component(db): Component<ConnectPool>) {
    let time: String = sqlx::query("select DATE_FORMAT(now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as time")
        .context("query failed")
    println!("cron scheduled: {:?}", time)