spring-postgres Plugin

spring-postgres is an autowire for rust-postgres

crates.io Documentation

tokio-postgres is a database connection tool similar to sqlx. Unlike sqlx, it only focuses on implementing postgresql database connections.


spring-postgres = { version = "0.1.1" }

Configuration items

connect = "postgres://root:12341234@localhost:5432/myapp_development" # Database address to connect to


After configuring the above configuration items, the plugin will automatically register a Postgres object. This object wraps tokio_postgres::Client.

pub struct Postgres(Arc<tokio_postgres::Client>);

Extract the Component registered by the plugin

The PgPlugin plugin automatically registers a Postgres object for us. We can use Component to extract this connection pool from AppState. Component is an axum extractor.

async fn hello_postgres(Component(pg): Component<Postgres>) -> Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    let rows = pg
        .query("select version() as version", &[])
        .context("query postgresql failed")?;

    let version: String = rows[0].get("version");


Complete code reference postgres-example