spring-redis Plugin

spring-redis is an automatic assembly for redis-rs

crates.io Documentation


spring-redis = { version = "0.1.1" }

Configuration items

uri = "redis://" # redis database address

# The following are all optional configurations
connection_timeout = 10000  # Connection timeout, in milliseconds
response_timeout = 1000     # Response timeout, in milliseconds
number_of_retries = 6       # Retry times, interval time increases exponentially
exponent_base = 2           # Interval time exponential base, unit milliseconds
factor = 100                # Interval time growth factor, default 100 times growth
max_delay = 60000           # Maximum interval time


After configuring the above configuration items, the plugin will automatically register a Redis connection management object. This object is an alias of redis::aio::ConnectionManager.

pub type Redis = redis::aio::ConnectionManager;

Extract the Component registered by the plugin

The RedisPlugin plugin automatically registers a connection management object for us. We can use Component to extract this connection pool from AppState. Component is an axum extractor.

async fn list_all_redis_key(Component(mut redis): Component<Redis>) -> Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    let keys: Vec<String> = redis.keys("*").await.context("redis request failed")?;

Complete code reference redis-example