spring-web Plugin

spring-web is based on axum

crates.io Documentation

Axum is one of the best web frameworks in the Rust community. It is a sub-project based on hyper maintained by Tokio. Axum provides web routing, declarative HTTP request parsing, HTTP response serialization, and can be combined with the middleware in the tower ecosystem.


spring-web = { version = "0.1.1" }

Configuration items

binding = ""  # IP address of the network card to bind, default
port = 8000              # Port number to bind, default 8080

# Web middleware configuration
compression = { enable = true }                        # Enable compression middleware
logger = { enable = true }                             # Enable log middleware
catch_panic = { enable = true }                        # Capture panic generated by handler
limit_payload = { enable = true, body_limit = "5MB" }  # Limit request body size
timeout_request = { enable = true, timeout = 60000 }   # Request timeout 60s

# Cross-domain configuration
cors = { enable = true, allow_origins = [
], allow_headers = [
], allow_methods = [
], max_age = 60 }

# Static resource configuration
static = { enable = true, uri = "/static", path = "static", precompressed = true, fallback = "index.html" }

API interface

App implements the WebConfigurator feature, which can be used to specify routing configuration:

1use spring::App;
2use spring_web::get;
3use spring_web::{WebPlugin, WebConfigurator, Router, axum::response::IntoResponse, handler::TypeRouter};
4use spring_sqlx::SqlxPlugin;
7async fn main() {
8 App::new()
9 .add_plugin(SqlxPlugin)
10 .add_plugin(WebPlugin)
11 .add_router(router())
12 .run()
13 .await
16fn router() -> Router {
17 Router::new().typed_route(hello_word)
21async fn hello_word() -> impl IntoResponse {
22 "hello word"

You can also use the auto_config macro to implement automatic configuration. This process macro will automatically register the routes marked by the Procedural Macro into the app:

 async fn main() {
-   .add_router(router())

-fn router() -> Router {
-    Router::new().typed_route(hello_word)

Attribute macro

get in the above example is an attribute macro. spring-web provides eight standard HTTP METHOD process macros: get, post, patch, put, delete, head, trace, options.

You can also use the route macro to bind multiple methods at the same time:

use spring_web::route;
use spring_web::axum::response::IntoResponse;

#[route("/test", method = "GET", method = "HEAD")]
async fn example() -> impl IntoResponse {
    "hello world"

In addition, spring also supports binding multiple routes to a handler, which requires the routes attribute macro:

use spring_web::{routes, get, delete};
use spring_web::axum::response::IntoResponse;

async fn example() -> impl IntoResponse {
    "hello world"

Extract the Component registered by the plugin

In the above example, the SqlxPlugin plugin automatically registers a Sqlx connection pool component for us. We can use Component to extract this connection pool from State. Component is an axum extractor.

use anyhow::Context;
use spring_web::get;
use spring_web::{axum::response::IntoResponse, extractor::Component, error::Result};
use spring_sqlx::{ConnectPool, sqlx::{self, Row}};

async fn mysql_version(Component(pool): Component<ConnectPool>) -> Result<String> {
    let version = sqlx::query("select version() as version")
        .context("sqlx query failed")?

Axum also provides other extractors, which are reexported under spring_web::extractor.

Read configuration

You can use Config to extract the configuration in the toml file.

use spring_web::get;
use spring_web::{extractor::Config, axum::response::IntoResponse};
use spring::config::Configurable;
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Configurable, Deserialize)]
#[config_prefix = "custom"]
struct CustomConfig {
    a: u32,
    b: bool,

async fn use_toml_config(Config(conf): Config<CustomConfig>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    format!("a={}, b={}", conf.a, conf.b)

Add the corresponding configuration to your configuration file:

a = 1
b = true

Complete code reference web-example

Use Extractor in Middleware

You can also use Extractor in middleware, but please note that you need to follow the rules of axum.

1async fn problem_middleware(Component(db): Component<ConnectPool>, request: Request, next: Next) -> Response {
2 // do something
3 let response = next.run(request).await;
5 response

Complete code reference web-middleware-example